
Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D. However with Summer behind us and the days getting colder it is important to include some Vitamin D in your diet to ensure you maintain a healthy immune system and strong bones.

Although food sources of Vitamin D are limited, this weeks recipe – ‘Oven Baked Zucchini, Tuna and Tomato Frittata’ – includes ingredients (such as tuna and eggs) that provide a quality amount of Vitamin D.

This recipe is simple to make yet nutrition and delicious! Enjoy!



Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D. However with Summer behind us and the days getting colder it is important to include some Vitamin D in your diet to ensure you maintain a healthy immune system and strong bones.
Although food sources of Vitamin D are limited, this weeks recipe – ‘Oven Baked Zucchini, Tuna and Tomato Frittata’ – includes ingredients (such as tuna and eggs) that provide a quality amount of Vitamin D.
This recipe is simple to make yet nutrition and delicious! Enjoy!


Oven Baked Zucchini, Tuna and Tomato Frittata

Serves: 4

• 8 eggs, lightly beaten
• Handful of spring onion, chopped
• 4 x 95g tuna flakes, drained
• 2 zucchinis, diced
• 1 cup fresh or frozen peas
• 1 cup spinach
• pepper to taste
• 1 tablespoon dried oregano
• 1 tablespoon dried rosemary
• 8 cherry tomatoes, halved
• Chopped flat-leaf parsley, to serve

1. Preheat oven to 175ºC and line a baking pan with non-stick baking paper.

2. Place the eggs in a large bowl and beat. Add all other ingredients apart from the tomatoes and parsley. Stir until well combined

3. Poor mixture into prepared pan. Arrange tomato halves on top.

4. Cook for 20-25 minutes or until set and golden on top. Sprinkle with chopped parsley to serve.

Slice and serve with a side salad. Can be eaten hot or cold.


Did you know?
• This recipe is gluten, dairy, soy and nut free.
• A frittata can be a really quick and easy dinner to make, it can also be used as left overs for lunches the next day.
• Tuna has little to no starch. It is also high protein and is low in ‘bad fats’ such as saturated fats and high in ‘good fats’ such as polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is encourage to fish at least two to three times per week. By including a small can of tuna in your lunch or dinner you can achieve this recommendation.
• Spices can really make a difference to a meal. They are low in kilojoules, packed with flavour and can be used as an alternative to salt. You can use a variety of herbs and spices in a frittata such as thyme, rosemary, chives or paprika.