by Melanie McGrice | Mar 17, 2016 | Food
As Easter steadily approaches, bakeries and supermarkets are already bringing out a wide assortment of hot cross buns. From the traditional, to the chocolate-filled varieties, what is the best choice to make over the approaching Easter weekend? Below is the nutrition...
by Melanie McGrice | Mar 17, 2016 | Opinions
Controversy surrounds the use of artificial sweeteners in Australia which is why it is a topic I generally steer clear of. However after getting asked about them quite often I thought it was about time I shared my thoughts to you all. Make sure you check out this...
by Melanie McGrice | Mar 17, 2016 | Lifestyle
Does one little chocolate egg tend to turn into five little chocolate eggs over Easter? I’ve got 10 tips that will help you have a healthier Easter this year. Don’t worry – you still will be able to enjoy a chocolate treat! Originally published on
by Melanie McGrice | Mar 4, 2016 | Food
Calcium is a nutrient often associated with dairy however there are many other sources in the diet to obtain this important mineral. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and it’s stored in our teeth and bones. The role calcium plays in maintaining the...
by Melanie McGrice | Mar 4, 2016 | Lifestyle
A new study by researchers in Australia and Britain discovered that a type of sugar present in leafy green vegetables boosts your gut health. Now, I know veggies aren’t the first thing you think of when someone mentions sugar, but approximately 3 to4% of a plant is...
by Melanie McGrice | Mar 4, 2016 | Opinions
Are you left confused over the relationship between dairy and acne given the contradicting information available online? Some say yes there is a relationship, while others disagree. So what are my thoughts? In this week’s video I share my recommendations on this hot...