
Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!

Flatter your figure

Since the release of my book, the amount of media work that I've been doing has significantly increased. After being told by two different people in the one week that I have very few professional photographs for someone who does as much media work as I do, I took the...

The ‘sit less’ challenge

The ‘sit less’ challenge

I have a challenge for you. This week instead of trying to exercise more, I want you to focus on sitting less. Research shows that sedentary, office-based jobs and an increase in 'screen time' (being glued to a computer, TV or tablet) are some of the biggest...

Learn to love…(insert a food you dislike here)

As a dietitian I always try to design meal plans that suit people's food preferences as well as their medical conditions, intolerances and lifestyles - but it's always pretty challenging when I have a client who states that they don't like complete food groups. You'd...

Welcome to Melanie’s Nutrition and Wellbeing Network

Welcome to Melanie’s Nutrition and Wellbeing Network

Get your complimentary e-book "The first 6 steps that you should take to improve your nutrition" here. Everyone knows that they should be eating more vegetables, but I believe that unless you know the 'why' and the 'how' no-one is ever going to choose vegetables over...

As seen in

ABC, The Advertiser, Womens Weekly
NW Magazine, Health & Fitness, Good Health
Huffington Post, Choice, Fox 101.9
SBS, Channel 7, Sydney Morning Herald
Herald Sun, Nine MSN, Channel 9
Channel 10, 3AW, Kidspot
Melanie McGrice in the kitchen

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