Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!
Exercise – singing in the rain
As I sit here at my desk today typing away, I was momentarily distracted by the rain tapping against the window. Although many might glace outside and send up a quick prayer of thanks to be inside in the warmth, personally I am in the opposite camp: walking in the...
Were you planning to get take away for dinner tonight?
It’s Friday night. Are you planning to get take away for dinner tonight? If you’re trying to improve your health maybe you should think again. It’s Friday night. Are you planning to get take away for dinner tonight? If you’re trying to improve your health maybe you...
How does your health compare to your neighbours?
Every second year the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare publishes a report card on Australia’s health to assess how our nation’s health is changing. So, how is Australia’s health currently stacking up?
Learn the art of eating mindfully
Have you heard of mindful eating? It's the art of eating consciously, or mindfully. When I ask clients what they've eaten today, it's astounding to see how many people have no idea. In our pressured, time-focused culture many people shove food into their mouth when...
How long does it take to create a new habit?
Happy New Year! I hope you had fun partying last night! Today is the day to think about what you're going to prioritise this year. Do you want to spend more time with your family? Is this going to be the year that you're going to kick some...
For breakfast this morning I ate…
I’ve been asked three times this week what I had for breakfast. The first question came from my aunty who was visiting who wanted to check up that I’d be eating well. The second came from an audience member at a seminar that I gave last night and the third came this...
Depressed? Strategies for improving your mental health from Adrian Booth and yours truly
I attended the ‘Healthy Together’ business breakfast in Knox last week. This month’s topic was on depression and stress in the workplace. Adrian Booth from Beyond Blue was one of the speakers. In addition to being very entertaining, his statistics on depression and...
New research shows that women should avoid caffeine during pregnancy
I read a new study recently that has made me change the advice that I will give to women during pregnancy. The study by Dr Sengpiel and colleagues looked at the caffeine intake of over 50,000 mums and the effects on their babies. Previously, I have given...
Nutritional supplements for children: improving nutrition or just lollies?
I'm writing this sitting on the plane on my way back to Melbourne after speaking at the Brisbane GP conference (GPCE). I was asked to speak on the topic of nutritional supplements for children. This is a topic that I am extremely passionate about as I believe that...
Caffeine: healthy or harmful?
Can't start the day without a cuppa? You're not the only one. According to the Australian Beverage Council, Australians drink over 5 billion cups of coffee each day. Furthermore the consumption of energy drinks has quadrupled over the past 10 years. So, is all of this...
An apple a day still keeps the doctor away
I'm usually a pretty composed person, but I've been getting increasingly frustrated of late. What is with this crazy notion that we have to cut out fruit to maintain a healthy weight? When I first started hearing about the 'no fructose/no fruit diets' for weight...
Filming a professional development module on weight management
This week I had the privilege of filming a professional development module with Genesis Education for Think GP on ‘Nutrition, Healthy Eating and Weight Management’.
As seen in

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