Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!
Media Update – Read Melanie’s comments on the latest nutrition research
According to new research, choosing your proteins and carbohydrates carefully can help you avoid long-term weight gain. I spoke to Sarah Berry from The Age to share my thoughts on this latest research. According to new research, choosing your proteins and...
Interview with expert Dr Alice Rudd
What we eat doesn't just affect our insides – but can often show up on our skin as well. This week I had the opportunity to interview renowned dermatologist Dr Alice Rudd. Here is what she shared... What we eat doesn't just affect our insides – but can often show up...
White, milk or dark – what’s the difference in these types of chocolate?
Think you’re being healthier by eating dark chocolate? Well, you are BUT don’t be fooled, it’s still very high in kilojoules.
Not sure which chocolate eggs to treat yourself with this Easter? Watch this.
It's Easter time and the supermarket shelves are full of tempting chocolate treats and hot cross buns! Watch this video for some of Melanie's helpful tips... It's Easter time and the supermarket shelves are full of tempting chocolate treats and hot cross buns! Watch...
Interview with expert Dr Grant Saffer
Are you pregnant? I had a chat with Dr Grant Saffer, a Melbourne-based obstetrician-gynaecologist, about his thoughts on the importance of seeing a dietitian during your pregnancy. Here's what he said... Are you pregnant? I had a chat with Dr Grant Saffer, a...
Media Update – Read Melanie’s comments on the latest nutrition research
It's true; the latest research is now questioning some of the nutrition 'rules' that we have been relying on over the past decade. I spoke to Sarah Berry at the Sydney Morning Herald to update her on some of the latest research. It's true; the latest research...
Interview with expert Dr Richard Chambers
Are you a comfort eater? High stress levels can be a key reason why many people turn to food. I interviewed Dr Richard Chambers, a psychologist who specialises in mindfulness to find out what he recommends for people struggling with stress. Here's what he said... Are...
5 foods to boost your iron intake
1 in 5 Australian adults are low in iron. Iron is an important mineral responsible for making proteins that carry oxygen in the blood to give our bodies the energy needed to function. Low iron can result in anaemia which can leave you fatigued, pale, dizzy and out of...
Thinking about getting a Body Composition Analysis? Watch this.
Body composition analyses tell you a lot more than just your weight. These 15 minute assessments give us comprehensive insights into the reasons why you struggle to lose weight, how many kilojoules you require and how best to lose it. They accurately analyse your...
7 Strategies to help you avoid Alzheimer’s Disease
Did you know that a healthy diet can help you avoid developing Alzheimer's Disease? Although you can't do anything about your age or genetics, a review of the research published in Neurobiology of Aging journal found that the following seven strategies are the best...
Champagne: is it true that the bubbles make it go to your head faster?
Tomorrow is Cup Day. Like all days of excitement and celebration in Australia, food and wine are a big part of the day. One of the most commonly consumed drinks on Cup Day whether you be at a friend's barbie, or at Flemington itself, is champagne and...
Trying to get pregnant? Get your man on the plan
One of my specialist areas as a dietitian is fertility. Every week I work with dozens of women to help them improve their diet to improve their fertility, and we get great results – hearing of a new conception is always one of my happiest work days. But what I want to...
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