Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!
Media Update – Melanie speaks with Ninemsn about mothers getting back to a healthy weight after pregnancy
Recent research has recommended that women get back to their healthiest weight within a year after having their baby to avoid an increase risk of diabetes and heart disease. Losing weight after pregnancy can be a challenge. In a recent article with ninemsn I give some...
VODcast – Can dietary changes help my baby’s Colic?
Is your baby having regular and unexplained crying episodes each day? They may be experiencing a condition known as ‘Colic’. So what is Colic and can some simple changes in your baby’s diet help reduce the symptoms? Is your baby having regular and unexplained crying...
3 strategies for improving fussy eating in toddlers
Most children display fussy eating habits at some stage of their development. This is normal; however there may be headaches if fussy eating escalates to World War III at meal times. Here are my 3 strategies you should use to tame even the fussiest of eaters......
Product Review: Ohso chocolate
A few weeks ago I was sent a couple of blocks of Ohso chocolate by a local PR agency for my opinion as it is just coming to Australia. Ohso is a new chocolate bar from Belgium with a key difference to other chocolate.... each serving is packed with over a...
My top 5 strategies for dealing with temptation
Do you ever struggle with temptation with a voice on one shoulder telling you to be strong while a voice on the other shoulders seductively says that a little bit won’t hurt?
Media Update – Ever wondered what dietitians eat?
Women's Health and Fitness Magazine got me to keep my own 3 day food diary and reveal what I eat in a typical week. It was an interesting exercise as I haven't kept a food diary since I was at uni. Take a look at my results... Women's Health and Fitness Magazine got...
Interview with expert Amanda Clarke
The Australian Dietary Guidelines tell us that it's ok to include a few treat foods in our diet, as long as we don't go overboard. I spoke to Amanda Clarke, renowned dietitian and author of the portion control guides 'Portion Perfection' and 'Portion Perfection for...
A comparison of 5 popular yoghurts
We chose 5 of the most popular vanilla yoghurts being sold in supermarkets to analyse for you. So, which is best for people with diabetes? We chose 5 of the most popular vanilla yoghurts being sold in supermarkets to analyse for you. So, which is best for...
Media Update – Melanie’s comments on the low carb, high fat diet trend
Low carb, high fat diets have been increasing in popularity over the past few years. Their benefits versus risks are hotly debated – especially for people with diabetes.
Why are my blood glucose levels higher in the morning than after eating?
Are you struggling to reduce your fasting (before breakfast) blood glucose levels? Dietitian, Melanie McGrice explains why so many people with diabetes have high glucose levels when they haven't had anything to eat in hours. Are you struggling to reduce...
The 6 most important changes you need to make if you have diabetes
Diabetes is the fastest growing condition in Australia with more than 100,000 people being diagnosed with the condition each year. It occurs when there is too much glucose in the blood. A hormone called insulin is responsible for chaperoning glucose from the blood...
Ever wondered why women gain extra weight during menopause? Watch this.
A common question I get asked among menopausal women is 'why am I gaining extra weight?' This video explains some of the reasons why! Take a look..
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