Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!
Five diet tweaks to boost your fertility as you age
Have you been putting off having children until the time felt right? And now you find yourself wondering how fertile you are? In a recent article for nine MSN, I reveal my top tips on how you can increase your fertility through some simple diet changes. Take a look......
How losing weight can affect the health of your eggs
Trying for a baby? It doesn’t matter if it’s your first or the fifth, maintaining a healthy weight prior to conception can really have an impact on the health of your eggs and improve your fertility. There is a wealth of evidence to show that for women greatly above...
3 foods you didn’t know were high in Vitamin D
Most people know that sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D. But could you name 3 foods that are also high in Vitamin D? In this week’s video I reveal 3 food sources that are rich in Vitamin D and explain how important this nutrient is for your health. Most people...
Introducing BN Multi – the new multivitamin for bariatric surgery
For most people who have had bariatric surgery, it isn’t possible to meet nutritional requirements through food alone and nutritional deficiencies are a real threat. This is why your dietitian recommends a bariatric multivitamin for routine supplementation. We just...
5 calcium rich foods for people with lactose intolerance
Think you’re meeting your calcium requirements from eating broccoli? If you’re a woman over the age of 60, you’d need to be eating 22 heads of broccoli each day to meet your calcium requirements! Here’s how you can meet your calcium requirements without suffering any...
The diet you need to build strong & healthy bones
What if you could reduce your osteoporosis risk as easily as eating three serves of dairy a day? Take a look at my top 3 tips for achieveing a diet that will improve your long-term bone health. What if you could reduce your osteoporosis risk as easily as eating three...
Pros and cons for adding soy into your diet
Does soy cause cancer? Does it protect against cancer? Does it reduce hot flushes? The properties of soy are constantly debated. In this week’s video I share an update on some of the positives and negatives of including soy in your diet. Does soy cause cancer?...
The life of a vegetarian
Thinking of becoming a vegetarian? I interviewed nutrition student, Ali, to find out how being vegetarian shapes her diet, and discuss the challenges, benefits and her favourite foods. Why did you decide to become vegetarian?For animal welfare, environmental issues...
Vegan pregnancy: mission IS possible
Are you planning a vegan diet throughout your pregnancy? Let me remind you of the key nutrients vegan mothers-to-be need to focus on for a healthy pregnancy. Planning for a baby? Or perhaps you’ve already got the good news and are now planning some changes into your...
How to stay ‘dry’ this July!
Would you be able to last a month without alcohol? I had a chat to the people behind the well-known organisation of ‘Dry July’ not only about how this initiation started but also how a month without alcohol can positively affect your health. Would you be able to last...
Alcohol binge sessions contribute to growing grog gut
Did you know a boozy night out could add as much to women's waistlines as a fast food binge? Take a look at my thoughts I shared with The Herald Sun on alcohol as a hidden source of weight gain. Did you know a boozy night out could add as much to women's...
3 tips for reducing your alcohol intake on a night out
Do you often end up drinking more than you’d like to when you’re out? In this weeks video I give my top 3 tips for reducing your alcohol intake on a night out.
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