Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!
How to get back on track after 3 common holiday diet blunders….
Did you overindulge this festive season? Not to worry, I shared my tips to get you back on the straight and narrow with Kimberly Gillan for 'Fernwood Fitness' magazine. 1. Big NightDid you have one too many glasses of champagne over the festive season? If you’re...
Can BBQ’s cause cancer?
There is no doubt that having a BBQ with friends and family over the summer is an Australian tradition. However recent studies have suggested that there may be a link between barbequed meats and cancer. In this weeks “#AskMelanie” video I discuss BBQ’s and cancer and...
What to have for breakfast when you are on the run?
Did you press snooze on the morning alarm one to many times? And now you are running late for work and looking for a quick and easy breakfast on the go? We looked at the pros and cons of some popular ‘on-the-go’ breakfast products to see how they stack up...
Don’t Make Any Rasher Decisions with your Bacon Habits
Did you miss my blog post on The Huffington Post regarding the highly talked about topic of red meats and cancer?
The free tool that will change the way you eat!
I am not going to keep you in suspense. The free tool that can change the way you eat is a food diary. Have you tried keeping a food diary but found although it helps to keep you accountable for the time being, it doesn’t result in longer term change? The...
What you need to know about setting weight loss New Year Goals
So your New Years resolution is to lose weight. Have you thought about how you are actually going to make this happen? Have you thought about how you will make this year different to the last? As a dietitian I hear a number of clients that have resolutions to lose...
Myths about dietitian’s busted
Trust me when I say, seeing a dietitian is not as scary as it sounds!
What happened to your motivation? How to get back on track
I like to use this time to think back on the goals we set ourselves to not only reflect on things we’ve achieved but also areas that we’ve fallen short on. I have to think we aren’t as successful as we hoped for not because we’re lazy or hesitate at an opportune...
How a personal trainer can keep you motivated this summer!
Has your exercise routine gone out the window? Looking for that extra hit of motivation? We spoke to experienced personal trainer, Steve Burden, about how he motivates his clients and why he enjoys helping people achieve their fitness goals. 1. What do you love about...
The proof is in the pudding
I'm sure I’m not alone when I say that a Christmas feast wouldn’t be quite complete without the traditional Christmas pudding. Many households have their own recipe for a rich, fruity and flavorsome Christmas pudding, some handed down through families for generations....
My 3 top tips to help you survive the Christmas parties
Is your calendar filling up with Christmas social events? No doubt these events will include some tempting treat foods and alcoholic drinks. No, this doesn’t mean you have to stay at home and miss out! Take a look at this week’s video for my top tips to survive any...
How do I avoid the festive season food blowout?
Want to avoid that guilty feeling of over eating this Christmas? Sometimes even those with the best intentions can overdo it during the festive season.
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