Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!
The lesser known benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
There’s a lot of controversy surrounding which oil to use at the moment. But, at this stage, my favourite recommendation remains Extra Virgin Olive Oil, commonly known as EVOO. The evidence around the positive effect of EVOO on our cholesterol levels (it...
How to be a smart shopper
Want to stick to your healthy eating resolve while grocery shopping? The key is to plan ahead. The weekly food shop can be a complicated chore – hundreds of products to choose from, ambiguous food labels that make products sound healthier than they...
Normal vs Flavoured Coffee
There are many different coffee flavours on the market nowadays, and it can be hard to decipher which is the best for you. If you’ve ever found yourself stuck at the supermarket trying to decide which coffee flavour to buy, then this video is for you...
Where should I shop?
Where should I shop? There are so many options these days. From online, to farmer’s markets, to the local supermarket we are spoilt for choice when deciding where to shop. This week Jess our Nutrition Assistant has analysed the pro’s and con’s of each....
Iron deficiency: the silent epidemic for toddler’s
We never grow as quickly as we do when we’re a toddler. This is why it’s imperative that a toddler’s diet is packed with nutrients. Did you know that at the age of 6 months, breastmilk alone cannot meet your baby’s increasing growth and development requirements? In...
‘Live Below the Line’
Imagine living on under $2 a day? Unfortunately this is the reality for millions of people worldwide. We spoke to the Oaktree Foundation about the ‘Live Below the Line’ Campaign, and what you can do to help! What is the aim of the Live Below the Line Campaign?...
Do I need more iron in my diet if I am pregnant?
Did you know there are two types of iron you can get from your diet? Watch this video to find out how you can get enough iron during these important 9 months.
Your guide to pregnancy supplements!
It can feel like an information overload when you find out you're pregnant, having to watch what you're eating and make sure you're getting the right nutrients to give your baby the best start to life. Add to that the powerful marketing campaigns with beautiful babies...
Are you getting enough Vitamin D?
Needing an excuse to get outside more?
4 tips to be healthy at work
Do you ever find yourself digging into a packet of lollies for lunch at work to save time? Or find yourself tempted by the freshly baked cinnamon scrolls at the cafe downstairs? Being healthy at work can be tricky, and finding nutritious and convenient food can be a...
7 time saving tips for new mums and dads
Having a new baby is certainly one of the busiest times in a family’s life. Added to that, if your baby isn’t sleeping well, you’re probably not getting much sleep either. This combination of exhaustion and lack of time makes consuming a coffee and muffin instead of...
Small meals vs 3 main meals, which is better for you?
Everyone has a different opinion on how many meals you should be eating each day. Eating 3 main meals can help reduce snacking, however which is better for your metabolism and keeping you full? I shared my thoughts on the debate as featured on ninemsn Coach. ...
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