Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!
Does sleep burn fat?
We all know how important sleep is for our health and general wellbeing, but have you ever wondered why sleep is recommended for those wanting to lose weight? Check out my video as I discuss why getting adequate rest can make all the difference. Please...
Top healthy takeaway picks
It's the weekend, so no doubt you've already made plans to order at least one meal from your favourite take-away place. The good news is that you can make menu selections that are delicious and healthy – you just have to know what to look for. I spoke to Elle...
What’s your perfect cuppa? Tea or coffee?
Drinking tea and coffee is as routine as brushing your teeth for many people. Firstly, rest assured that both can be included in your diet as they do provide health benefits. They do vary in their nutritional content, so it is worth being aware of the positives and...
5 reasons you shouldn’t skimp on sleep
Think it’s ok to go to get into a routine where you get to sleep late and get up early? Think again... We spend approximately one third of our life sleeping and should aim to get ~7-8 hours of shut eye each night. Sleep is an essential part of a life and in fact we...
Should you really be avoiding dairy?
One in six Australians have given dairy foods the flick, with the majority not even seeking medical advice before making the dietary change. I spoke to about the effects of cutting out dairy, and why you may not need to....
Is a Sugar Tax the answer to Australia’s health problems?
Should Australia enact a sugar tax? Although I support the idea, improving Australia's health is an incredibly complex issue and I don't believe that this tactic alone will solve all of our problems. Read my article on The Huffington Post as I discuss a few key...
Which canned soup should I buy?
It’s that time of year when a hot soup is the perfect solution to all your troubles. Minestrone is a great soup choice as it contains a good mix of veggies, protein and carbohydrate with lots of fibre and little to no fat. This week I’m going to compare...
Three foods you didn’t know were high in Vitamin D
This week’s video is a blast from the past! Most people know that sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D. But could you name 3 foods that are also high in Vitamin D? I will reveal 3 food sources that are rich in Vitamin D and explain how important this...
Experts call for energy drink ban
Energy drinks are a common go-to for teenagers, however many experts are calling for a ban due to the high sugar and caffeine content. I spoke to Ninemsn Food about some of the effects these drinks are having on our health. "Energy drinks such as...
Immunity Boosters
Is a chesty cough getting you down? Is your runny nose driving you crazy? Here are 10 dietary changes to keep your immunity fighting fit, and drive that cold or flu away. 1. Muesli bar for yoghurt. Naturally set yoghurt contains probiotics which...
Why am I hungrier during winter?
As it gets colder we tend to prefer to stay inside rather than head out and exercise. On top of that comfort food intake increases. Check out my tips on keeping healthy during the winter months.
Key reasons why your toddler may be Vitamin D deficient
I’m sure you know that vitamin D is important for your child’s health. As your little ones are growing rapidly at this age, vitamin D is a critical ingredient for strong bones and muscles. But did you know there is also a link between vitamin D levels and lower body...
As seen in

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