Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!
Do pregnant women need to give up coffee?
During pregnancy, women are encouraged to give up an array of tempting food and drinks they might normally enjoy, to help protect their growing babies.
Pregnancy multivitamin comparison
Navigating the world of pregnancy vitamins can be tough, especially since most women don’t have extensive training on the subject of supplementation. Luckily this is where your friendly neighbourhood dietitian comes in handy!
Turmeric: the benefits and an easy smoothie recipe
Turmeric has been getting a big rap recently, and for many legitimate reasons.
Male nutrition and how it can improve fertility
Current reports indicate that fertility problems affect approximately 15% of Australian couples.
How to overhaul and stock your pantry for a healthy diet
Keeping a well-stocked pantry full of healthy food is the key to maintaining a nutritious diet.
Were All Legumes Created Equal?
What are legumes, you say? They are the edible fruit or seed of a particular group of plants known as the Fabaceae family.
5 tips for eating out on the low-FODMAP diet
Eating out on the low FODMAP diet can be tough, with FODMAP’s hidden in many of your favourite cuisines.
Melanie’s Spanish Food Lessons
As some of you might know, I recently was lucky enough to spend a few weeks soaking up the Spanish sun in San Sebastian on a work/personal holiday. The Spanish certainly enjoy a great lifestyle, whether it’s the deep sense of community and family, their enviable...
Client on a FODMAP diet
Have you heard of the low FODMAP diet but not sure what it actually entails?
Should I go on a low carb diet?
This weeks video looks at the pros and cons of following a low carb diet, and how to do it healthily.
4 of the most common questions that dietitians get asked about a healthy start for little ones
Research shows that the nutrition that a baby gets throughout their first thousand days of life – starting from a month before a woman even falls pregnant through til his or her second birthday – sets up their health for life.
Do you suffer from IBS?
Does some food not sit right in your stomach, causing bloating and tummy pain? Do you find that certain foods regularly leave you running for the loo or struggling to keep your bowels moving? You might have a condition called Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS.
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