Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!
Protein Powders – do they really work?
To boost your protein intake, have you ever taken a protein powder? Do you refuel after a gym workout with a protein shake? Do they work or just a waste of time and money?
Allergies in babies – how can I prevent them developing?
Did you know the risk of a child developing an allergy can change by what a women eats during pre-conception, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding?
An insight into Melanie’s research
Take a read of some of Melanie’s published nutrition research papers.
Lunchbox ideas your kids will actually eat!
Looking for a way to make your kids lunchbox ‘sanga’ more exciting so it doesn’t end up in the bin?
Which bread is best?
The bread aisle at the supermarket can be overwhelming. There are lots of different types to to choose from… white bread, brown bread, wholemeal, high fibre, low GI, gluten free, wholegrain, rye… but which one is best?
A vegetarian diet can meet your nutritional requirements if you follow this guide
Are you following a vegetarian diet? If so, it is really important to make sure you are still meeting your nutritional requirements. Four key nutrients you need to be mindful of are…
What is the best diet for optimising fertility?
Did you know pre-conception weight is one of the major risk factors for fertility outcomes?
Given current research, it is now well established that weight loss improves fertility in overweight and obese women. In particular, there is convincing evidence that a ‘low carbohydrate diet’ can reduce factors affecting fertility.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Everything you need to know plus a FODMAP friendly recipe!
Dietitians become very comfortable with talking about poo, farts and all the other bodily functions that are usually not discussed in polite conversation. HOWEVER, April is IBS Awareness month, so NOW is the time for us all to talk about it!
30 reasons why you should get in 30 minutes of activity every day!
Personally, I’m a big fan of keeping active. I know that it’s not easy for everyone…if you have an injury, are overweight, are incontinent, work long hours or are exhausted, it can be tough. But, then I think about those inspirational people who have those same struggles, yet still find a way…
Let me share with you 30 wonderful reasons why YOU should be doing 30 minutes of activity every day.
What do dietitians eat when they order take-away?
An oldie but a goodie from Mamamia – what do dietitians eat when we order take-away, because yes, we eat take-away (on the occasion) too!
Paleo: your questions answered
Paleo is one of the most popular diets in the country at present. So, with this in mind, I thought I’d share my answers to some of the most common paleo questions I’m asked…
Which fruit & vegetables are low-carb?
Are you following a low carbohydrate diet?
If so, this video if for you! Live from the lovely Prahran Markets in Melbourne, I stroll through the fruit and vegetable section and discuss which foods are considered to be low in carbohydrates and which ones you might want to look out for as being high in carbohydrates.
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