Be inspired, challenged and educated as Melanie discusses her expert views and practical tips on a range of nutrition topics from anaemia to zucchinis. And, don’t forget to comment, ask questions and share… we want to know what you love!
31 Weeks Pregnant – tips for a healthy pregnancy diet
You are really at the tail end of your pregnancy now! In this blog I provide you with some helpful tips to get through one of the most common problems women have at this stage of their pregnancy – constipation.
27 Weeks Pregnant – tips for a healthy pregnancy diet
Now that you’re 27 weeks pregnant, your baby is really starting to grow. This means you’ll need to add some extra kilojoules to your diet to ensure your baby is getting enough nutrition.
22 Weeks Pregnant – tips for a healthy pregnancy diet
Are you 22 weeks pregnant and experiencing heartburn? Want some quick and easy tips from an expert for minimising heartburn? Then this blog is for you!
18 Weeks Pregnant – tips for a healthy pregnancy diet
Want to know what you should be eating during your fifth month of pregnancy? In today’s blog we’re going to chat about how your dietary and activity requirements change throughout your fifth month of pregnancy – especially now that your bub is really starting to grow!
14 Weeks Pregnant – tips for a healthy pregnancy diet
So you’ve just crossed over into your second trimester of pregnancy and want to know what you should be eating? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog we’re going to chat about how your dietary and activity requirements change throughout your forth month of pregnancy so that you can have the healthiest pregnancy possible.
9 Weeks Pregnant – tips for a healthy pregnancy diet
As you move into month 3 of your pregnancy you may start to experience the dreaded morning sickness. In addition, your levels of motivation to exercise are probably decreasing. If this sounds familiar, let me help you!
5 Weeks Pregnant – tips for a health pregnancy diet
Are you in your second month of pregnancy? Although you may not look pregnant, you’re probably starting to feel pregnant. Your hormones will start going crazy, you will most likely experience morning sickness and the tiredness will kick in. Let’s have a look at how your dietary requirements change through out your second month of pregnancy.
How does my diet both before & during pregnancy affect the health of my future baby?
A women’s diet in the lead up to and during pregnancy has a significant impact on the health of their future baby. So what do you need to be mindful of in order to give you baby the best start to life? Listen in to my chat on Life Matters to find out.
What foods should I avoid during my pregnancy?
Are you pregnant and confused about which foods you should avoid in order to have a healthy pregnancy? Melanie reveals which ones you should be keeping clear of.
Can diet help my PCOS?
Do you have PCOS? Did you know a few simple dietary and lifestyle changes can significantly help improve symptoms?
Melanie, along with other PCOS health professionals, share their thoughts on the best foods for managing the syndrome.
2 Weeks Pregnant – tips for a healthy pregnancy diet
Have you just found out you are pregnant? Congratulation! Now, I think I would be right in guessing that you are wanting to have the healthiest pregnancy possible? Well you have come to the right spot! In this blog I will walk you through, step-by-step, the changes that will occur to your body during your first month of pregnancy, what nutritional changes you will need to make and some exercise tips.
Does juicing impact folate levels?
One of the best sources of folate is fruit and vegetables, especially leafy greens, like spinach and kale.
The downside is that folate can be easily lost through processing, cooking and storage.
Research shows that many of us don’t meet our recommended fruit and vegie intakes. However, one study found that people were more likely to drink fruit and vegie juices, than eat whole fruit and veg. So, the question is: ’Are green juices a good source of folate?”
As seen in

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