I’m so excited to be one of the 2017 brand ambassadors for Premier’s Active April!
Personally, I’m a big fan of keeping active. I know that it’s not easy for everyone…if you have an injury, are overweight, are incontinent, work long hours or are exhausted, it can be tough. But, then I think about those inspirational people who have those same struggles, yet still find a way… I mean, look at the para-Olympians who undertake incredible feats of physical activity, people like Karen Gatt who, at 140kg created the ‘clothesline diet’ and John Howard who found time to walk daily even though he was running our country.
Let me share with you 30 wonderful reasons why YOU should be doing 30 minutes of activity every day:
1. Recover faster when you’re sick
2. Sleep better
3. Reduce stress levels
4. Improve energy levels
5. Boost your mood with endorphins
6. Reduce risk of depression
7. More likely to meet new people
8. Improve self confidence
9. Burn calories
10. Reduce the risk of having a stroke
11. Optimise your metabolism
12. Reduce your risk of having a heart attack
13. Maintain a healthy weight
14. Improve cholesterol levels
15. Reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
16. Reduce the risk of cancer
17. Lower blood pressure
18. Strengthen your bones and reduce risk of osteoporosis
19. Reduce your risk of falls and needing a walking frame when you’re older
20. Improve your posture
21. More likely to withstand stress
22. Increase focus
23. Improve flexibility
24. Live longer
25. Increase endurance
26. Boost immunity
27. Improve co-ordination
28. Improve your body shape
29. Look better
30. Have fun!
Personally, the one that motivates me the most is to take some time out for myself to think. Let me know in the comments below, do you do your 30 minutes per day? And, what motivates you to exercise?
You can still sign up for Active April by registering your details on their website activeapril.vic.gov.au

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30 reasons why you should get in 30 minutes of activity every day!

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